For many people, selling a house to a cash buyer can be a massively efficient and less stressful way of exchanging property. It’s typically a much shorter process, and as a result, it’s often a much easier and cheaper experience all round. Much of the red tape around selling your property can come from how the seller is financing the purchase. Financing through a bank loan for example, adds in a third party that needs independent inspections and appraisals of the property before signing off on the loan.
Selling to an all cash buyer who is prepared to make the payment in full, saves time and reduces the amount of stress for everyone involved.
The Cash Buyer Process
The process of selling a house to a cash buyer is very similar to the process of selling to buyers financing through mortgages. The only difference is that there are fewer steps and fewer parties involved.
The first step is creating and agreeing on the terms of the sale. Things like purchase price and payment terms can be negotiated until both parties feel comfortable. After offers and counteroffers are made and both parties have reached a price that can be agreed on, the closing process can move forward.
Setup Payment
The next step is to set up payment for the property. In many cases, a check might be used for the purchase of the house. In others cases, an escrow account may be used to hold onto the cash and release it to the seller once the sale is complete. These third party accounts hold onto the money during the sales process, protecting it should anything go wrong, and then completing the transaction once the sale has been finalized.
Usually, the buyer will arrange a house inspection to be done by a professional to make sure that everything is up to scratch. After that, pest or hazard inspectors may also visit to ensure that there will be no nasty surprises once the sale has taken place, even months down the line.
Working with cash buyers can be especially helpful if your property isn’t fit for a traditional market sale. If your house is in disrepair or requires a lot of maintenance to sell in a normal market, cash buyers are more likely to purchase a property as-is. Here at Trusted House Buyers, we specialize in buying distressed houses for cash, and can save both parties from the expensive inspection, appraisal, and renovation costs that come with preparing your home for sale on a public market.
Finalizing the Sale
As always, once all is said and done and everyone is happy with every area of the sale, the sale can be finalized. Deeds can be handed over, money can be given to the seller, 3rd parties can be paid, and everyone can move forward happily with their transaction.
Advantages of Cash buyers
Cash buyers are usually the preferred buyers when it comes to selling a property. There’s more than one reason for that, too.
Most commonly, speed is the biggest benefit of having a cash buyer. Cash buyers don’t need to wait around for lenders to give them the funds that they need to make their purchase, making things much easier and quicker from start to finish. In fact, it takes the home sales process from an average of 30-60 days, to a sale that can be as quick as 7-10 days. At Trusted House Buyers, we can give you a real cash offer on your property within a few hours of meeting, and can often close the deal within just a few days.
Having the money ready to close on a deal immediately does not only benefit the speed of the purchase, but also the flexibility behind it too. For a party that has cash in hand, in most cases, the amount of flexibility they have is much greater. This means that buyers like us have the flexibility to work with you in terms of the price, process, and at a pace you’re comfortable with, as we work through the deal.
Cash buyers typically don’t have an immediate demand to be out of their current property in a hurry, and likewise, they can be as fast or as slow as you need to be since there is no lender involved, stressing the situation. That can be a massive weight off of the seller’s shoulders, and can decrease the stress incurred during the overall process
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